The Clean Slate Day 1

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As I recap Day 1 of The Clean Slate I would like to make something known:

My butt hurts. So good (bad).

Thanks to yesterday’s kettlebell workout by Neghar. That stuff is no joke. I can definitely appreciate the importance of mixing up your workout “routine” with new and interesting methods and movements. I do yoga and crossfit-style workouts every week, multiple times a week. You would think that all the movements in those 2 activities would make for a complete, total body workout. But no. After yesterday’s series of skater squats, windmills, and bulgarian split-squats… I can confidently say that it is important to step outside your fitness comfort zone.


Aside from the kettle bells, I had a nice morning vinyasa class. It was just the stretch I needed to warm up for all that kettlebell action.

And then there’s the food. Kept it really simple today… I actually had time this past weekend to prep a TON of food for me and the hubby. Tuna Salad, grilled chicken, sausages, chili, and hardboiled eggs. There’s no excuse to not eat clean!

Clean Eats

Breakfast (post yoga): Homemade Green Juice (romaine, celery, parsley, ginger, lemon, carrot, and 1/2 green apple) and 2 scrambled eggs

Snack (post workout): 1 chicken thigh and 1/2 a ginger kombucha

Lunch : Custom Green Smoothie (coconut milk, banana, blueberries, maca, kale, almond butter, and cinnamon) from the capable (and stylish) people over at Thrive Juice Lab in Laguna Niguel

Dinner: a bowl of Turkey/Beef Chili over steamed butternut squash

Other beverages include: alkaline water, yerba mate with almond milk

That’s it for today!

What are your new year’s goals? How did you support them today? How can you prepare today for better choices tomorrow?